Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Whole Lot More for 2014 for Pinoy Nurses who will pass the NLE

NLE Passers 2013 Posted Here
Even if the country has suffered devastation and the people in Visayas are down with the bash of typhoon Yolanda, still there are big hopes for Pinoy nurses, come 2014. The reason is simply because December which happens to be the last month of the year is when the NLE result for December 2013 will be posted and released by the Professional Regulation Commission - Upon the revelation of who passed or not, I'm pretty sure that many new RNs will be looking forward for a better career.

Many of whom had families in the Visayas region and I know those whose families have been greatly affected will still have high hopes despite the loss in all terms. As some mourn, many will little by little recover from the trauma. Many families who have graduate nurses as a member will be looking forward to pass the licensure exam as if they become board passers, chances are, they can land better jobs abroad or local alike.

On the other hand, if you are one of those family members who have a relative who will take the examination, let us pray that the good lord help them pass the test so they may become new registered nurses in the Philippines. At least this will be a step ahead for more success and recovery. You may view the upcoming complete list of result passers here.

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